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ToIP at EIC and Beyond: A Summer of Not-to-Be Missed Sessions

By May 23, 2024Blog

Spring conference season is in full swing and the Trust Over IP Foundation (ToIP) is heading to Europe to participate in several major conferences:

We will also be attending the second regional summit of the Sustainable & Interoperable Digital Identity (SIDI) Summit 2024 series.

Trust Over IP, which celebrates its fourth birthday this month, has long been known for its dual stack that emphasizes why we must combine technical interoperability with governance interoperability in order to establish truly interoperable digital trust ecosystems.

The new ToIP model diagram with Technology, Governance and Ecosystem sections.

Although in our early history we were best known for our work on the governance side of the dual stack, at these June conferences our emphasis will be on two new technical specifications for which we just published Implementers Drafts: the Trust Spanning Protocol and the Trust Registries Protocol. Both of these protocols are designed to maximize interoperability and authenticity and minimize risk, while still enabling each ecosystem to make the choices they need for their specific context.

The following is a schedule of all the conference sessions and talks in which ToIP members or our partners will be participating.


Join us at EIC for a panel of ToIP Steering Committee Members, moderated by Executive Director, Judith Fleenor.

Panel: The Emerging Trust Layer for the Internet: Using Minimum Viable Protocols to Achieve Maximum Interoperability

Friday, June 07, 2024 13:30—14:30

Interoperability is not created alone and that is why ToIP collaborates with other standards organizations and certifications bodies.  Executive Director, Judith Fleenor has invited the Executive Directors from Open Identity Exchange, OpenID Foundation, Open Wallet Foundation, Decentralized Identity Foundation, and the Kantara Initiative to unpack the role each foundation plays, how we collaborate to create the full picture for digital trust, and why it is so important for organizations and individuals to support and participate in several foundations, not just one.

Panel: Executive Directors Speak: Why We Need More Collaboration

Friday, June 07, 2024 14:30—15:30

At last year’s EIC Judith gave a keynote on Decentralized Identity Why is it all the rage?  Her premise was that the technologies that enable decentralized identity could be used, not only for traditional identity and access management, but more importantly for content authenticity and to assist in the challenges that AI brings.  This year, Al will be a big topic at EIC, and several ToIP Steering Committee members will be addressing these topics in various sessions throughout the week.

On Wednesday Wenjing Chu, Futurewei Technologies and Drummond Reed, Gen Digital will be on the panel:

Redefining Human Identity in the AI Era: From Digital Evolution to AI Integration

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 12:00—13:00

Following that Wenjing Chu will be giving the session:

Decentralizing AI: A Socio-Technical Path to Responsible and Trustworthy Tech

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 14:30—15:00

Continuing in the AI track, Wenjing will be joining by others for the following panel discussion:

Is Decentralization The Best Way to Achieve Transparency and Verifiability in AI?

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 15:00—15:30

Charting the Course: Diverse Approaches to AI Regulation in a Fractured World

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 15:30—16:10

AI isn’t the only opportunity vs threat we are facing in the near future.  Quantum Computing is coming as well.  Also, on Wednesday, Steve McCown, Anonyome Labs, will be giving a presentation:

Post Quantum Security: Cryptography in Decentralized Identity

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 18:10—18:30

Another big topic at EIC will be the use of verifiable credentials and the digital wallets that hold them. Several sessions will explore these topics and give real word examples of their use in productions. 

On Wednesday Marie Wallece. Accenture, and Drummond Reed, GenDigital, will be joined by others for a panel:

Real-World Examples of How Smart Wallets will Transform how we
Navigate our Digital World

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 14:45—15:30

On Thursday, Daniel Bachenheimer, Accenture, will join others looking at the use cases in the travel industry.

Panel: The Future of Travel Credentials

Thursday, June 06, 2024 16:00—16:30

Also on Thursday, the topic of real world implementations continues when Andre Kudra, esatus, with others explore use cases in the construction industry:

Best Practice: DIDs and Verifiable Credentials in the Construction Industry

Thursday, June 06, 2024 17:30—17:50

And on Friday Marie Wallace, Accentrue, will join others in a panel discussion:

Decentralized Identity in Production

Friday, June 07, 2024 10:30—11:10

The above session will explore real world solutions being used now, but before selecting which technologies to use for your ecosystem and wallets, it is important to know the differences each technology solution has to offer.  Our friends at the Open Wallet Foundation (OWF) have put together a guide to help explain wallet security.  Daniel Bachenheimer, Accenture, will present with another OWF board member on:

Open Wallet Foundation (OWF) Guide to Safe Digital Wallet Selection

Thursday, June 06, 2024 12:00—12:20

Daniel will deepen the conversation about Digital Wallets in his Friday session on how you bind a wallet to the natural person who’s credentials it holds:

Digital Wallet Holder Binding

Friday, June 07, 2024 11:30—11:50

Another hot topic at this year’s EIC will be Organizational Identity.  Christoph Schneider, GLEIF, will be giving a presentation on this topic, as will ToIP active contributor, John Phillips, Sezoo:

Organizational Identity in the Private and Public Sector with the vLEI

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 18:15—18:30

Organisation Authentication as an Anti-Scam Measure

Friday, June 07, 2024 12:10—12:30

Let us not forget the importance of eIDAS 2.0.  Andrew Tobin from Gen will be giving a keynote Wednesday morning to kick off the track Digital ID Beyond the Enterprise, Session Stream III, Digital Identity and eIDAS 2.0 with a keynote address:

eIDAS 2.0: Game On, But What game is it?


Wednesday, June 05, 2024 08:30—08:50

Within that track many of our friends will be sitting on panels and giving presentation, but not to be missed will be Viky Manalia, Intesti Group, who will be on the panel:

Latest on eIDAS Legislation and What it Means for People, Business and Government

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 11:00—11:40

Also in that track several of our ToIP contributors will speak on the panel:

Reusable Identity and Bootstrapping Decentralized Identity Ecosystems

Thursday, June 06, 2024 15:30—16:00

ToIP has been collaborating for the last six months with the work being done at the Content Authenticity Initiative, C2PA, and the Creator Assertions Community group, which Eric Scouten of Adobe heads.  This presentation should be interesting to those concerned about the authenticity of content.

Content Authenticity Overview and eIDAS Investigation:
How Can eIDAS Support Content Creators?

Wednesday, June 05, 2024 14:30—14:45

And it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t give a shout out to our friends at the Decentralized Identity Foundation who are presenting a pre-event workshop:

Decentralized ID Technical Mastery Sprint for IT Architects and Project Managers

Tuesday, June 04, 2024 10:30—12:30


This year’s EIC will be jam packed.  We hope to see you at some of our sessions, or grab us for a conversation on the river cruise or at one of the breaks. 

Look for our members wearing the “Ask Me about Trust Over IP Foundation” button, as we would love to discuss any of our published deliverables or get you involved in the creation of our work towards Internet-Scale Digital Trust.  Join Us!

If you are not attending EIC, look for us the following week at Identity Week Europe in Amsterdam, where we will be present on the Decentralized Identity Panel on June 12th.  

Or join us at the Decentralized Identity unConference Europe (DICE)  in Zurich June 18-20th, where we will be calling several session on everything from our recently in public review set of Keri Specifications to our Trust Spanning Protocol, Trust Registry Protocol and Technical Architecture Specification V2.  Executive Director Judith Fleenor will also be presenting an Introduction to Trust Over IP Foundation, if you are new and interested in getting involved.