The Authentic Chained Data Containers (ACDC) Task Force at the Trust Over IP Foundation is pleased to request public review of the following deliverables:
- Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI) specification
- Authentic Chained Data Containers specification
- Composable Event Streaming Representation specification
Together, this suite of specifications provides a blueprint for creating truly decentralized, authentic, and verifiable ecosystems of identifiers, “credentials” [see footnote], and attestations.
The specifications describe a series of unique, innovative features:
- Pre-rotation of keys, enabling truly unbounded term identifiers;
- Cryptographic root-of-trust;
- Chained “credentials” [see footnote] with fully verifiable proof of ownership and proof of authorship;
- A serialization format that is optimized for both text and binary representations equally with unique properties that support lookahead streaming for uncompromised scalability.
This suite of specifications contains additional sub-specifications including Out-Of-Band Introductions, Self-Addressing Identifiers and a revolutionary “path signature’ approach for signed containers required to provide a comprehensive solution for Organizational Identity.
With the launch of the vLEI Root of Official Trust this suite of specifications saw its first production deployment through the Python reference implementation in 2022.
The Task Force expects feedback to be provided by April 20, 2024 via GitHub issues on the following repositories using the ToIP Public Review Process:
- https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-keri-specification/issues
- https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-acdc-specification/issues
- https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-cesr-specification/issues
Licensing Information:
The Trust Over IP Foundation Technology Stack Working group deliverables are published under the following licenses:
- Copyright mode: OWFa 1.0 (available at https://www.openwebfoundation.org/the-agreements/the-owf-1-0-agreements-granted-claims/owfa-1-0)
- Patent mode: OWFa 1.0 (available at https://www.openwebfoundation.org/the-agreements/the-owf-1-0-agreements-granted-claims/owfa-1-0)
- Source code: Apache 2.0 (available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)
Note: The Task Force considers “credentials” or “verifiable credentials” as termed by the W3C, only one use and a subset of ACDCs.